Facet embraces creative non-fiction filmmaking by visionary artists, works that push the cinematic form and explore universal and timeless themes, and a robust US-based independent non-fiction ecosystem. – Maida Lynn
I founded Genuine Article Pictures in 2015 when I was brand new to documentary film. For practical and legal reasons, it seemed like a good idea to form an LLC, and I was excited to create an entity that could hold all this work together and, through a name and brand, signal to the industry a set of core values: humility, authenticity, creativity, and joy.
Six years, 22 projects, and expanded institutional support later, I felt like the Genuine Article brand was no longer accurately reflecting my work as it unfolded – and the direction I see it heading in the future. While I value earnestness, I felt the name foregrounded that value too much and didn’t provide enough room for exploration and expansiveness. I also wanted a name that more directly relates to aesthetic beauty and the complexity and collaboration of the work I do.
Enter Facet
I see the work I do as one facet, or component, of a larger whole; and that the whole, whether it’s a film, or collaboration, or funded organization, is beautiful and sparkles like a gemstone. Each engagement, and the role I play, is unique and shaped to meet its specific needs. Extending the metaphor, I see myself and the work I do as multi-faceted, simultaneously wearing multiple hats and adapting to the demands of the moment and context.
While the name change reflections an evolution, one thing remains constant: a passion for, and commitment to, immersive works of cinematic non-fiction that expand the heart and mind, inspire wonder and awe, and generate more questions than answers.
I entered the indie film industry as a philanthropist and remain a committed grantmaker. In a country that, sadly, provides scant federal arts funding, I embrace the opportunity to contribute what I can to a risk-taking, free-thinking, and diverse US independent filmmaking ecosystem via grants. While there are commercial pathways to creative sustainability and profitmaking, my commitment is to focus resources on the makers and organizations that exist outside the mainstream. Grants provide creative cover and financial security in an industry rife with uncertainty and both perceived and real scarcity.
Producer Group | 2024 is the inaugural year of an experimental producer group, which is producer-led and active for a three-year term. This group will consist of 3-5 working independent documentary producers with a commitment to creating independent and innovative films. It will will center the well-being of a collective, explore new avenues for producer-to-producer collaboration, and create a space for creative inspiration and professional growth. Each participant will receive a yearly living stipend of at least $25,000 in recognition for their contribution to this endeavor.
Dear Producer Award | 2022 saw the launch of the Dear Producer Award, a $50,000 unrestricted grant to four mid-career independent producers, in both scripted and non-fiction filmmaking. The year-long fellowship also includes a summer retreat focused on rest and connection, a commitment to mentor one emerging producer, and monthly group check-ins.
Dear Producer Award Official Website
Unrestricted, multi-year operating grants to US-based instructions that champion the art of non-fiction film and those who create it.
At any given time, I actively support a slate of four or five films in various stages of production. Every engagement includes a grant plus whatever sweat equity is most useful to the team.
I am still a company of one, who has so far resisted the occasional pull to institutionalize and expand this operation. I am reluctant to spend resources that could be going into the field on overhead and administration, and I deeply value the direct relationships I have with artists and partners. What this means is I do not have the bandwidth for an open call or scheduled application process.
2024 update: My slate is full and I am not considering new projects at this time.
A Solutions-Based Intervention: Facet Founder Maida Lynn on Her New Program Supporting Doc Producers
November 11, 2023
The Art of Nonfiction is Flourishing, But Are Its Supporters?
February 21, 2021
Learning By Doing: One Funder’s Journey So Far
May 2, 2017
From Funder to Producer to Funder: The Learning Journey Continues
May 3, 2021